Tuvalu: The Maneaba
Updated July 2021 Additions: March 2022
All entries are authored by James Lewis unless indicated otherwise:
- Book
- Book chapter
- Journal / Occasional paper
- Conference / seminar / working paper
- Mission Report
- Review or comment
- Newspaper / news-sheet
- Proposal
- Submitted / un-submitted draft
James Lewis Datum International datum@gn.apc.org https://www.datum-international.eu/
Disaster Research Archives (Ilan Kelman) http://www.ilankelman.org/disasterarchives.html
(1999) Development in Disaster-prone Places: Studies of Vulnerabiity. Intermediate Technology Publications (Practical Action) London.
Electronic format includes five case studies of vulnerability description and analysis:
- Volcano in Tonga
- Some perspectives on natural disaster vulnerability in Tonga
- A multi-hazard history of Antigua
- Vulnerability to a cyclone: Damage distribution in Sri Lanka
- Change, and vulnerability to a natural hazard: Chiswell, Dorset.
Book chapter
Ilan Kelman, JC Gaillard, James Lewis, Jessica Mercer (2016) Learning from the history of disaster vulnerability and resilience research and practice for climate change. Natural Hazards. Chapter in: Vulnerability Assessment in Natural Disaster Risk: A Dynamic Perspective. Springer.
http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11069-016-2294-0Ilan Kelman, James Lewis, JC Gaillard, Jessica Mercer (2015) Island contributions to disaster research. Global Environment. Vol 8, pp 16-37. The White Horse Press, Cambridge, UK.
Ilan Kelman, JC Gaillard, Jessica Mercer, James Lewis, Anthony Carrigan (2015) Island Vulnerability and Resilience: Combining Knowledges for Disaster Risk Reduction Including Climate Change Adaptation. Chapter 7, pp 162-187. Global Ecologies and the Environmental Humanities: Postcolonial Approaches. Routledge. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/whp/ge/2015/00000008/00000001/art00002;jse
(2015) Cultures and contra-cultures: Social divisions and behavioural origins of vulnerabilities to disaster risk. Chapter 8. Cultures and Disasters: Understanding Cultural Framings in Disaster Risk Reduction. Routledge. Eds: Fred Krüger, Greg Bankoff, Terry Cannon, Benedikt Orlowski, Lisa Schipper.
(2011) Climate-proofing development: corruption risks in adaptation infrastructure. Corruption & Climate Change; Part 5, Item 5.3, pp 255-262, Global Corruption Report: Climate Change, Transparency International, Berlin. DOI 10.4324/9781315870274. http://archive.transparency.org/publications/gcr/gcr_climate_change2
(2008) The Worm in the Bud: Corruption, construction and catastrophe.
Chapter 12 in: Hazards and the Built Environment
Taylor & Francis
Lee Bosher: Ed
(2008) How corruption can prevent the implementation of disaster risk reduction policies.
Corruption costs lives. Annex 3. Disaster through a distant lens: Behind every effect there is a
cause. A guide to journalists covering disaster reduction. United Nations.
(2008) European Islands: Permanently populated Regions, Territories, Provinces, Colonies & Dependencies. http://www.islandvulnerability.org/europeanunion.html#euwide
(2005) Earthquake destruction: corruption on the fault line. Global Corruption Report 2005. Corruption in Construction Part 1. pp 23-30. Transparency International, Berlin.
James Lewis & Malcolm P Chisholm (1999) Cyclone-resistant domestic construction in Bangladesh. Chapter in Implementing Hazard-resistant Housing: Proceedings of the First International Housing and
Hazards Workshop, Dhaka, 1996, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) / Housing & Hazards Group, University of Exeter, pp 29-38. (Hodgson, R. L. P; Salek, M. S; Choudhury, J. R. Eds).
(1997) Development, vulnerability and disaster reduction: Bangladesh cyclone shelter projects and their implications. Chapter 4 in Reconstruction After Disaster: Issues and Practices (pp45-56).
Awotona, Adenrele: Ed. Ashgate.
(1992) "Them and Us": Emergency planning and response in a social perspective. Chapter 13: Hazard Management and Emergency Planning: Perspectives in Britain.
(Parker, Dennis; Handmer, John: Eds) James & James). pp195-202.
(1979) The vulnerable state: An alternative view Chapter 5 in Disaster Assistance: Appraisal, Reform and New Approaches Stephens, Lynn H & Green, Stephen J. Eds. New York University Press.
Journal / Occasional paper
(2019) The fluidity of risk: Variable vulnerabilities and uncertainties of behavioural response to natural and technological hazards. Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 28, No. 5\, 636-648. Emerald.
(2017) Social impacts of corruption upon community resilience and poverty. Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies. Vol. 9, No 1. African Centre for Disaster Studies.
Ilan Kelman, JC Gaillard, James Lewis & Jessica Mercer (2016) Learning from the history of disaster vulnerability and resilience research and practice for climate change. Natural Hazards, 82/1, DOI 10.1007/s111069-016-2294-0
Ilan Kelman, James Lewis, JC Gaillard, & Jessica Mercer (2015) Island contributions to disaster research. Global Environment, 8/1, DOI 10.3197/ge.215.080102
James Lewis & Sarah A V Lewis (2014) Processes of vulnerability in England? Place, poverty and
susceptibility. Vol. 23, No 5. Disaster Prevention and Management. Emerald Group Publishing.
(2014) The susceptibility of the vulnerable: Some realities reassessed. Vol. 23, No 1. Disaster Prevention and Management. Emerald Group Publishing.
James Lewis & Ilan Kelman (2013) Creating disasters. Natural Hazards Observer Vol. XXXVII, No 6, July. pp 1, 10-13. Natural Hazards Center, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
(2013) Some realities of resilience: A case study of Wittenberge. Disaster Prevention and Management Vol. 22, No 1. Emerald Group Publishing.
(2013) Some realities of resilience: An updated case study of storms and
sea flooding at Chiswell, Dorset. Disaster Prevention and Management Vol. XXII,
No 4, 300-311. Emerald Group.
James Lewis & Ilan Kelman (2012) The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Versus Disaster Risk Creation (DRC). PLoS Currents Disasters, June 7, Public Library of Science, San Fransisco & Cambridge, UK. http://currents.plos.org/disasters/article/the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-disaste...
Ilan Kelman, James Lewis, JC Gaillard, & Jessica Mercer. (2011) Participatory action research for dealing with disasters on Small Island Developing States.
Island Studies Journal - Vol. 6, No. 1, May 2011 59 –
86.. Institute of Island Studies at the University of Prince Edward Island, Canada. http://www.islandstudies.ca/node/317
(2011) Corruption: The hidden perpetrator of under-development and vulnerability to natural hazards and disasters. The Pat Reid Lecture 2010, African Centre for Disaster Studies, North West University, Potchefstroom. RSA,
Jamba: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies, 3/2, 464-475.
James Lewis, Ilan Kelman & Sarah A V Lewis (2011) Is “fear itself” the only thing we have to fear? Explorations of psychology in perceptions of the vulnerability of others. The Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies, 3, 89-103.
James Lewis & Ilan Kelman (2010) Places, people and perpetuity: Community capacities in ecologies of catastrophe. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 9/2 191-220.
(2010) Some precedents for post-earthquake reconstruction: A bibliography of the work of Adolf Ciborowski. RADIX. http://www.radixonline.org/haiti.html
(2010) Corruption and earthquake destruction: Observations on events in Turkey, Italy and China. RADIX 25.5.08, 2008. Revised November. http://www.datum-international. eu/node/26
(2009) An Island Characteristic: Derivative vulnerabilities to indigenous and exogenous hazards. Shima 3/1. http://www.shimajournal.org/issues/v3n1/d.%20Lewis%20Shima%20v3n1%203-15.pdf
James Lewis & Ilan Kelman (2009). Housing, flooding and risk-ecology: Thames Estuary south-shoreland and north Kent. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research 26/1, 14-29. http://www.ilankelman.org/articles1/lewisetal.2009corr.pdf
(2009) Walter Gropius in England 1934-37: Adaptation, Expectation and Reality. DOCOMOMO Journal, 40, March.
(2008) The artist as witness: Zainul Abedin and the Bengal Famine of 1943..
RADIX 18.1.09. http://www.datum-international.eu/node/5
(2007) Some aspects of disaster research. Disasters, 1/3, 241-244. DOI 10.1111/j.1467-7717.tb00038.
(2007) Climate and disaster reduction.
Tiempo Climate Newswatch. Climate Research Unit, University of
East Anglia. http://www.datum-international.eu/node/32 http://www.radixonline.org/cchs-reply_from_lewis.html
(2007) Typhoons and floods in Vietnam: Measures for disaster reduction in contexts of climate change. http://www.tiempocyberclimate.org/newswatch/feature071101.htm
(2006) Volcanic and other vicissitudes: the deep-sea port of Rabaul. RADIX. http://www.radixonline.org/latest.htm
(2006) Modernism and politics: German national socialism to English rural conservatism. DOCOMOMO Journal, 34. 1-4.
(2005) The Pakistan quake: Why 10,000 schools collapsed. RADIX 31.12. 05. http://www.radixonline.org/latest.htm
Ilan Kelman & James Lewis (2005). Ecology and Vulnerability: Islands and sustainable risk management. INSULA International Journal of Island Affairs.
Dossier: Resilience and vulnerability. Year 14, No 2, 5-12, December. INSULA / UNESCO, Paris. http://www.ilankelman.org/articles1/kelmanlewis2005.pdf
(2003) The Algerian earthquakes of May: Some precedents for reconstruction. RADIX 2003. http://www.radixonline.org/algeria2.htm
Ben Wisner & James Lewis (2003) Why do Schools and Hospitals Collapse in Earthquakes? Exchange; UN Chronicle, No 3, p 49.
(2003) Lugs, stubs, brackets, clamps, and dowels - and bolts into the concrete: Window fixings at the Bauhaus. DOCOMOMO Journal, 28, 83-93, March.
DOCOMOMO International Secretariat, Paris.
(2003) Pieces of the continent: An island anthology. http://www.islandvulnerability.org/anthology.html
(2003) Housing construction in earthquake-prone places: Perspectives, priorities and projections for development. Australian Journal of Disaster Management, 18/2, May.
(2001) Improved building construction? Knowing versus doing. RADIX. http://www.radixonline.org/knowingvsdoing.htm
(2000) How does the bolt get into the concrete ? Fixing in the frame; from Bauhaus to Bangladesh.
DOCOMOMO Journal 23, 43-50 August. Delft University of Technology.
(2000) The UK Overseas Territories and natural disaster occurrence.
(1998) Water for toilets and drinking in cyclone shelters: Bangladesh Cyclone Shelter Preparatory Project. Paper 9 in Lessons Learned from NGO Experiences in the Water and Sanitation Sector
WELL (Water & Environmental Health in Developing Countries) University of Loughborough (Smout, Ian; Parry-Jones, Sarah: Eds).
(1997) Three Caribbean Volcanoes: Island history, geography and vulnerability.
Stop Disasters, 32/11, IDNDR Secretariat Geneva. http://www.islandvulnerability.org/LewisStopDisasters.pdf
(1996) BIBLIOGRAPHY References on Cyclone Shelters in Bangladesh (dual-purpose design, construction, integration and management). Newsletter European Network of Bangladesh Studies, Issue No 9, 20-31. April. University of Bath.
(1994) Volcanoes and War in Papua New Guinea
Stop Disasters, No 21, 20. IDNDR Secretariat, Geneva, September/October.
(1994) Earthquakes and War in Algeria.
Stop Disasters, No 21, IDNDR Secretariat, Geneva.
The Environmentalist,14/3, UNEP Continuum from Relief to Development.
(1993) Building for Global Warming: Design for climate change
Architects' Journal, 197/24, p54-55, 16 June.
(1991) Tropical Cyclones and Island States. Shelter, Settlements, Policy and the Poor. 39-44. ITDG London. http://www.islandvulnerability.org/docs/lewis1991sspp.pdf
(1990) British Consultants Bureau Conference on "Disaster Relief and Mitigation", London, 7 February. Disasters, 14, Issue 2, 173-175. June. Blackwell. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-7717.1990.tb01059.x/abstract
(1990) Small States Conference on Sea Level Rise, Male, Maldives 1989.
Disasters, 14/3, 77-78. Environmentalist 10/2 pp 141-142.
(1990) The Vulnerability of Small Island States to Sea Level Rise: The Need for Holistic Strategies. Disasters, 14/3, 241-248. http://onlinelibrary.wil,ey.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-7717.1990.tb01066.x/abstract
(1989) Sea Level Rise - some implications for Tuvalu.
Ambio, 18/8, 458-459.
Appropriate Technology, 16/2, pp 26-28, September.
The Environmentalist, 9/4, pp 269-275.
(1988) Open Letter in response to Confronting Natural Disasters: An International Decade for Natural Hazard Reduction. Natural Hazards Observer, XII/4, 4, March. University of Colorado.
(1988) Disasters, Homelessness and Reconstruction: Projections for vulnerability reduction.
Open House International, 13/2.
Centre for Architectural Research and Development (CARDO),
University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
(1988) Commentary: Report on Reports.
Environment, July/August, 3-4. (White, Gilbert F: Ed)
Washington DC.
(1988) Breaking with old conventions.
Architects Journal, 20 April, p 83.
(1988) Natural hazard reduction. Environmental Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 30/6, 3-4.
(1987) Architecture for the Third World, The Architect, 40-44. Royal Institute of British Architects, London.
(1987) Risk, vulnerability and survival: Some post-Chernobyl implications for people, planning and civil defence. Local Government Studies, 75-93, July/August.
(1987) Cook Islands Cyclone. Newsletter. Australian Overseas Disaster Response Organisation (AODRO). Vol. 5, No 1, April. AODRO, Sydney.
(1985) Project identification in hazardous environments
AODRO Newsletter, 3/3, pp 1-3,
Australian Overseas Disaster Response Organisation. Sydney.
(1985) Vulnerability to a Natural Hazard: Geomorphic, Technological and Social Change at Chiswell, Dorset – some implications for policy formulation.
Ekistics: the problems and science of human
settlements, Special Issue on Natural Hazards and Human Settlements: Disasters,
2, 51/309, Athens.
(1985) The Environmental Interrelationships of Vulnerability.
On the Line Natural Hazards Observer, IX/4, March.
University of Colorado.
(1984) Vulnerability to a cyclone: Damage distribution in Sri Lanka.
Ekistiks: the problem and science of human settlements.
Special issue on natural hazards and Human Settlements Disasters, 1, 51/308, 421-43, September/October, Athens.
(1984) A Multi-hazard history of Antigua. Disasters, 8/3, 190-197. Pergamon. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-7717.1984.tb00874.x/abstract
(1984) Environmental Interpretation of Natural Disaster Vulnerability: The crucial need.
The Environmentalist, Guest Editorial, 4,177-180. Elsevier Sequoia, Geneva.
(1983) Change, and vulnerability to natural hazard: Chiswell, Dorset. The Environmentalist 3-4, 277-287. Elsevier Sequoia Geneva. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF02316390
(1982) Natural disaster mitigation: Environmental approaches in Tonga and Algeria.
Environmentalist, 2/3, 233-246. Elsevier Sequoia Geneva.
(1982) Cyclone destruction in Sri Lanka: Some socio-economic analysis.
Disaster Management 2, 137-148, July-September, New Delhi.
(1981) The Sri Lanka Cyclone 1978: Socio-economic analysis of housing destruction.
Marga, 6/2, 1-33. Marga Institute, Colombo.
(1981) Some perspectives on natural disaster vulnerability in Tonga.
Pacific Viewpoint, 22/2, 145-162, September. Victoria University of Wellington.
(1980) Hurricane Damage (with reference to Hurricane Allen).
Correspondence: Nature, 287,
Macmillan Journals London.
(1980) De integratie van een beleid voor rampenbestrijding in de ecologische problematiek (The ecological integration of disaster relief). ASPECTEN van internationale samenwerking, 6,237-239.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague. With English transcript.
(1980) The Ecology of Natural Disaster: Implications for Development Planners. Project for the Analysis of Natural Disaster Vulnerability. Centre for Development Studies. Working paper, University of Bath. http://www.islandvulnerability.org/lewis1980mar.pdf
(1979) Disaster Vulnerability: Outer Concept versus Inner Condition. Mass Emergencies, 4/4. Accepted for Mass Emergencies 4/4 prior to publisher's discontinuation of journal. Elsevier. http://www.massemergencies.org/
(1979) Disasters and the Small Dwelling: Mitigation and Preparedness Measures. Disasters, 3/3, 249-252. Pergamon Press. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-7717.1979.tb001 46.x/abstract
(1979) Vulnerability to a natural hazard: Geomorphic, technological and social change at Chiswell, Dorset. Natural Hazards Research Working Papers, 37. University of Colorado. http://www.colorado.edu/hazards/publications/wp/wp37.pdf
(1979) The Tamil Nadu Cyclone, November 1977: A Comparison of Newspaper Reports.
Volume 3, No 2, 123-125. Pergamon Press.
(1979) Volcano in Tonga. 83-121, April. ODA/HMSO London. http://www.islandvulnerability.org/docs/lewis1979jao.pdf
(1977) James Lewis, Philip O'Keefe & Kenneth N Westgate. A Philosophy of Precautionary Planning. Vol. 2. No 2, 95-103. Mass Emergencies, Elsevier.
(1977) Some aspects of disaster research. Disasters, 1/3, 241-244. Pergamon Press.
(1976) Review Essay. Natural Hazards: Local, National, Global (Gilbert F White, Ed). Mass Emergencies, 1, July, 229-233. Elsevier. http://www.massemergencies.org/v1n3/White1_Review_v1n3.pdf
James Lewis, Phil O’Keefe & Kenneth Westgate (1976) A Philosophy of Planning. Occasional Paper No 5, Disaster Research Unit, University of Bradford.
(1975) Proposals for a Working Method of Indigenous Resource Co-ordination as Part of a Pre-Disaster Plan. Occasional Paper No 3, Disaster Research Unit, University of Bradford.
(1975) Disaster Management with Special Reference to Pre-Disaster Planning. Occasional Paper No 2, Disaster Research Unit, University of Bradford.
Conference / seminar paper / working paper / teaching & training
(2015) Tropical cyclones and vulnerability. Training Course in Integrated Coastal Zone Management, 19 June-11 August 1995. Centre for Tropical Coastal Zone Management Studies, University of Newcastle. DOI 10.13140/RG.2.1.4198.5361
(2017) Grenfell Tower fire: Is absolute risk beyond comprehension? RADIX Discussion Group, 26 November, King's College, London.
(2011) Cultures, contra-cultures and vulnerabilities. Cultures and Disasters Conference,
Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), University of Bielefeld, Germany.
(2010) Corruption: The hidden perpetrator of under-development and vulnerability to natural hazards and disasters. The Pat Reid Lecture 2010, African Centre for Disaster Studies, North West University, Potchefstroom. RSA.
(2010) Vulnerability, fear, denial and the social geography of risk.
Invited Paper delivered at the 2010 Annual Conference of the Disaster Management Institute of Southern Africa, Jeffrey’s Bay. Disaster Management Institute of Southern Africa.
(2010) Half a century of mono-, inter- and trans-disciplinarity: A personal perspective. EC 6th Framework MICRODIS project: Closing the Gaps. University of Northumbria.
(2001) Island characteristics and vulnerability: some perspectives. Island Perspectives. Datum International.ResearchTropical cyclones and vulnerability.
(2001) Continuum or Contiguum? Development for survival and vulnerability reduction continued
Paper presented: Session VI: Disaster and Development - a vital connection.
5th ESA
Conference Helsinki September.
(1999) Global warming, climate change and sea-level rise: Contexts, implications and
Conference: Architects and Engineers for Social Responsibility,
Wortley Hall, Sheffield.
(1995) Tropical Cyclones and Vulnerability. Conference: Training Course in Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Centre for Tropical Coastal Zone Management Studies, University of Newcastle.
(1995) Reconstruction, development and disaster reduction: The provision of cyclone shelters in coastal Bangladesh. A case for Integrated coastal zone management? Case Study.
Centre for Tropical Coastal Zone Management Studies, University of Newcastle.
(1994) Vulnerability reduction, Survival and Sustainability: What kind of Development
Seminar: Civil Strife and Relief: Within the Context of the Continuum from Relief to Development. Institute of Social Studies, The Hague.
(1994) Disasters, conflict and recovery: What kind of development for sustainability and vulnerability reduction? Reconstruction After Disaster: The State of the Art. Centre for Architectural Research Overseas (CARDO), School of Architecture, University of Newcastle.
(1993) The design of primary schools to serve as cyclone shelters: Bangladesh and the Caribbean. Development Workshop France: Celebration Conference, Trejouls, Louzert.
(1992) Relief and Development - Chicken and Egg? Development Studies Association Annual Conference: Europe and the Developing Countries. University of Nottingham.
(1992) Climate Change and Sea Level Rise. Small Commonwealth States Disaster Management Workshop. Oxford Polytechnic/Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Oxford, England.
(1992) Vulnerability Reduction in Development for Human Settlements.
Proceedings of the Seminar "Training for Disaster Reduction II", Cairo, 1991, pp 93-118. UNESCO/DERC.
(1989) Vulnerability of small states to sea level rise: Sea-defence, adjustment, and
preparedness; requirements for holistic national and international strategies.
Small States Conference on Sea Level Rise, The Maldives / Commonwealth Secretariat. http://www.islandvulnerability.org/slr1989.html
(1989) Affordability and participation, need and vulnerability: Post-cyclone rehousing in Tonga. Sixth Inter-schools Conference on Development, Centre for Development Planning Studies, University of Sheffield. http://www.islandvulnerability.org/docs/lewis1989TongaSheffield.pdf
(1989) Survival, recovery, and reconstruction: And the nature of war.
Workshop paper and report Editor: Settlement reconstruction Post-war.
Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, University of York.
(1989) Some preconditions of vulnerability to disasters. Conference: Disaster Management, Commonwealth Science Council, Commonwealth Secretariat, London.
(1988) Settlement Reconstruction Post-war: Report of a Two-day Workshop. Settlement Reconstruction Post-war, Two day Workshop, Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, University of York.
(1988) Bibliography: Settlement reconstruction post-war, Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, University of York.
(1988) The nature of war: interconnections with victims’ needs. Settlement Reconstruction Post-war. Two day Workshop. Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, University of York.
(1988) How to be critical yet useful - and to be asked to do it again: A consultant's dilemma. UK Evaluation Society Conference, London.
(1987) Vulnerability Management - The translation of 'risk' into planning decisions. IFHP-IULA Symposium: Prevention and containment of large-scale industrial accidents. Rotterdam.
(1987) Vulnerability and Development – and the development of vulnerability.
Development Studies Association Annual Conference. University of Manchester.
(1987) A Strategy for Social Self-reliance.
Prevention and Containment of Large-scale Industrial Accidents.
IFHP-IULA Symposium, Rotterdam. Proceedings, Vol 2, pp 95-97. IFHP-IULA.
(1987) Housing and Physical Development in Algeria: Development in earthquake areas and the
management of vulnerability. Annual Symposium of Research in Progress.
Centre for Architectural Research Overseas (CARDO), School of Architecture, University of Newcastle.
(1986) Vulnerability Management. Conference: Management of Urban Development, Institute of Local Government Studies, University of Birmingham.
(1985) Alternative approaches to civil defence planning; a civil survival strategy.
London Area War Studies (GLAWARS), Working paper.
Polytechnic of the South Bank, London.
(1982) Natural disaster assessment and mitigation: Evaluation frameworks in development contexts, Symposium on Aid Evaluation, Centre for Development Studies, University of Bath.
(1980) Acceleration of vulnerability; Why natural phenomenon become disasters; Costs/benefits of prevention; Disasters as opportunity. ASEAN Disaster Preparedness Seminar, Manila, The Philippines.
(1978) Comprehensive analysis of vulnerability to natural disaster: the socio-economic component, Centre for Development Studies Seminar, University of Bath.
(1978) The Analysis of Vulnerability to Natural Disasters: Towards a Comprehensive Methodology. Centre for Development Studies Seminar, University of Bath, U.K. Full text (February) (11,327 kb in PDF).
(1977) A Primer of Precautionary Planning for Natural Disaster. Occasional Paper No 13, Disaster Research Unit, University of Bradford (February).
Mission Report
(1995) Evaluation: Post-flood Rehabilitation II Project (North Western Bangladesh) and Mid-term Review: Primary Schools cum Cyclone Shelter Project (South Eastern Bangladesh). Combined mission; field visits from Dhaka, inclusive of Bogra, Chokeria, Cox’s Bazaar, Kutubdia, Noakhali, Rajshahi and Sandwip. European Commission DG1. Datum International.
James Lewis & Mark Brett (1994) Preparation of Terms of Reference for Cyclone Shelter Project (Brussels. Datum International.ALA/91/16): Preparatory Study. Final Report. The Commission of the European Communities, Brussels. Datum International.
(1993) Cyclone Shelter Project, Bangladesh: Preparatory Study. Preparation of Terms of Reference:
Field mission to Dhaka, Kutubdia, Chokeria, Patuakhali and Kalapari.
European Commission / World Bank IDA. Datum International.
(1992) Primary Schools cum Cyclone Shelters, Bangladesh: Preliminary Study: site assessments, design and construction criteria, design proposals. Field mission: Dhaka, Moheshkhali and
European Commission, Brussels. Datum International.
(1991) School Design and hazard resistance, construction training and curriculum infusion: Preliminary Field Mission for a Caribbean Subregional Project Framework.
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Paris.(Antigua & Barbuda; Jamaica; St Christopher & Nevis; St Vincent & The Grenadines).
(1991) Economic Development Planning for Recurrent Natural Disasters: Floods and Cyclones in Bangladesh: Report of a preliminary fact-finding mission with recommendations. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Geneva. Datum International.
(1990) Economic Consequences of Natural Disasters: With special reference to Small Island States, Commonwealth Secretariat, London. Datum International.
(1989) Access to Life-saving Services in Urban Areas. Panel member, overall framework and
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) & The World Health Organisation (WHO). Geneva. Datum International.
(1988) Settlement Reconstruction Post-war. Editor: Report of a two-day workshop: 16-17
Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, University of York. Datum International.
(1988) Sea Level Rise: Tonga, Tuvalu (& Kiribati).
Field Mission for the Commonwealth Expert Group on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise.
Resource document for Climate Change: Meeting the Challenge.
Commonwealth Secretariat, London. Datum International.
(1988) The Implications of Sea Level Rise for Island and Low-lying Countries.
Commonwealth Expert Group on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise. Datum International.
(1986) Gloucestershire Industrial Heritage Resource Regeneration Strategy: The Stroud Valleys, Urban and Economic Development Ltd. (URBED, England). Datum International.
James Lewis, J Lewis Jollans, Richard Moody, Francois Nectoux, John Pomeroy (1985). Recovery after nuclear attack?
The Greater London Area War Risk Study (GLAWARS), Report of Task 9 (Editor).
GLC & the Polytechnic of the South Bank, London. Datum International.
James Lewis & Alcira Kreimer (1983). Planning for Human Settlements in Disaster-prone Areas, Fifth Commission on Human Settlements 1982.
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UNCHS
Habitat), Nairobi. Datum International.
(1983) The UNEP Natural Disasters Programme – An Evaluation: UNEP’s Crucial Role for Natural
Disaster Mitigation.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Nairobi with archive access and Geneva.
Datum International.
(1983) Possible imminent severe water and food shortage, Ha'apai Islands, Tonga. (Submitted to the Office of UNDP, Suva, Fiji), United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UN Habitat), Nairobi. Datum International DOI 10.13140/RG.2.1.2809.1043
(1983) The Kingdom of Tonga: Project Identification and Human Settlement Planning. Strategy for Natural Disaster Mitigation: The Long-term Implications of Hurricane Isaac (March 1982). United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UNCHS), Nairobi.
Datum International.
(1983): Planning for Human Settlements in Disaster-prone Areas Fifth Commission on Human Settlements 1982. United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UNCHS Habitat), Nairobi Datum International (with Alcira Kreimer).
(1982) The Social and Economic Effects of Natural Disasters on Least-developed Island Countries: With special reference to Cape Verde Islands; Comoro Islands; Maldive Islands; Western Samoa; and Antigua. Report to UNCTAD VI, UNDRO/UNCTAD, Geneva. Archive research: Geneva, Lisbon, London and Paris. Datum International.
(1981) Assistance Préparatoire pour la Reconstruction des Etablissements Humains dans la Région d’El Asnam, Algerie République Algérienne Democratique et Populaire. Commission Interministérielle pour l’Etude de la Reconstruction d’El Asnam / Centre des Nations Unies pour les Etablissements Humains (CNUH Habitat). Rapport de Mission (avec Madame F D Mokrane), Alger. Datum International.
(1981) Planning for Human Settlements in Disaster-prone Areas, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UNCHS (Habitat), Nairobi. Datum International.
(1979) The Ecology of Natural Disaster, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi. Datum International.
(1978) Mitigation and Preparedness for Natural Disaster in the Kingdom of Tonga, Ministry of Overseas Development, London.
(1976) A Report to Establish Guidelines for the Management of a Fund to Provide Insurance for Natural Disaster. South Pacific Bureau for Economic Co-operation / Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation (SPEC / Commonwealth Secretariat.
Cook Is., Fiji, Nauru, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Is., Tonga, Western Samoa, Suva, Fiji. Commonwealth Secretariat. Datum International.
James Lewis, Phil O’Keefe & Kenneth Westgate (1975). A Study in Predisaster Planning (A two-part Report of a Mission to The Commonwealth of the Bahamas), Occasional Paper No 10, The Disaster Research Unit, University of Bradford. Commissioned by the League of Red Cross Societies, Geneva.
Review or comment
(2021) Editorial; To the memory of Phil O’Keefe: “The state of things”: Significance of the early emergence of the societal component within vulnerability to natural hazards. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Vol. 64. October. https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1dgtb7t2zZ5nF2
(2020) Review: Disaster by Choice: How our actions turn natural hazards into catastrophes (Ilan Kelman). Oxford University Press. Buildings and Cities, London.
(2013) Comment: Two Experiences of Community Driven Vulnerability Reduction: The Cases of Viet Nam and Burkina Faso (John Norton). Vol 34, No 1, Spring 2013, pp 61-62. Regional Development Dialogue (RDD). United Nations Centre for Regional Development, Nagoya, Japan.
(1991) Review: Accident or Design?
RIBA Report: Nuclear Disaster and the Built Environment.
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(1990) Review: Coping with Natural Disasters: Local Health Personnel and the Community,
WHO Geneva. Medicine and War, January-March, pp 48-49, Frank Cass, London.
(1990) Review: Neuclear Disasters and the Built Environment, Philip Steadman and Simon Hodgkinson. Royal Institute of British Architects, London. Butterworth Archirecture. RIBA Journal.
(1989) Review: Violent Forces of Nature Robert H Maybury, Lomond Publications in co-operation with UNESCO, Mt Airy, Maryland, 1986. Public Administration and Development, 9/3:338-338. DOI 10.1002/pad.4230090316
(1988) Review: The International Decade for Natural Hazard Reduction (IDNHR) 1990-2000. Overview. Environment Gilbert G White, Ed. July/August. continued
(1986) Review: The Economics of Bushfires: The South Australian Experience. Oxford University Press, Melbourne. The Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society. London.
(1985) Review: Interpretations of Calamity from the Viewpoint of Human Ecology. K. Hewitt, Ed. 1983. Allen and Unwin. Boston. The Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 21, No. 2.
(1984) Review: Tropical Cyclone “Isaac”: Cyclone Impact in the Context of the Society and Economy of the Kingdom of Tonga. J. Oliver and G. F. Reardon. Disaster Investigation Report No. 5. James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville. 1982. AND Report on Damage Caused by Cyclone “Isaac” in Tonga. G. F. Reardon and J. Oliver. Technical Report No. 13. Department of Civil and Systems Engineering James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville. 1982. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, Vol. 2, No. 3, November.
(1981) Review: Natural Disasters and Vulnerability Analysis. Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator (UNDRO). Disasters, Vol. 5, No 4.
(1976) Review: Logistic Planning of Disaster Relief (Christian Mosgaard).
Mass Emergencies, Vol 1, No 2, February. Elsevier. http://massemergencies.org/v1n2/Mosgaard_Review_v1n2.pdf
(1976) Review: A Review Essay on Gilbert F. White (Ed) Natural Hazards: Local, National and Global. New York. Oxford University Press, 1974. Mass Emergencies 1, pp. 229-233.
Newspaper / news-sheet
(2012) Origins of vulnerability Letters, 14 July, The Guardian. http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2012/jul/13/environment-witness-poet-john-...
(2017) Disaster research helps. Letters. The Observer, Sunday 10 September. Guardian Newspapers, London. https://www.theguardian.com/global/2017/sep/09/obesity-brexit-prison-suicides-na...
(2014) Excuses flood in, but nothing on climate change. The Guardian: Readers' letters. 11 February. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/feb/10/excuses-flood-nothing-climate...
(2011) Preservation or Conservation? All Around Marshfield, Issue 121 Autumn. Marshfield Publications.
(2008) Self sufficiency and sustainability: a study of Marshfield.
(2006) Fighting for fairness in Bangladesh. The Guardian, Letters, 12 December. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2006/dec/12/retail.guardianletters
(2001) Two Christmas Islands. Letters, The Guardian, 29 December.
(2000) Marshfield earthquakes and other hazards. All Around Marshfield. Marshfield Publications.
(1997) Some eruptions over Montserrat. Letters, The Guardian, 28 August.
(1988) Something rotten in the state of England? The Storm of 16 October 1987.
Newsletter of the International Hazards Panel, No 2, March.
(2022) Aftershocks of war that echo down generations. Letters, The Guardian, 26 March.
(1990) Global Warming, Climate Change and Sea Level Rise: Economic, social and cultural implications for Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. An Invited Programme Proposal.
(1982) A Three-part Proposal. Three stages for natural disaster mitigation strategy: Integrated with socio-economic development at national, provincial and local levels. Datum International. http://www.islandvulnerability.org/lewis1982one.pdf http://www.islandvulnerability.org/lewis1982two.pdf
Submitted / un-submitted draft
(2021) Some memories of a wartime childhood in England. At the request of Julie Longson, University of Keele.
(2017) An awakening of fears I did not know I once had.
(2015) Edith Kramer (1916–2014). Submitted for publication.
(2011) Racial differentiation and social vulnerability in South Africa: Some elementary observations http://www.datum-international.eu/node/102
(2011) A Route to Freedom: Calais, Marienburg, Wittenberge. Submitted for translation and publication in Germany.
(2010) Half a century of mono-, multi-, inter- and trans-disciplinarity: A personal perspective.
Discussion note submitted for the EC 6th Framework MICRODIS Project “Closing the Gaps: European Symposium on Integration Strategies for Extreme Events”. University of Northumbria. http://www.datum-international.eu/index_files/Disciplinarity.pdf
(2010) Press subjugation and perceived corruption in sixteen selected earthquake-prone countries
Datum International.
(2009) Perfidy in paradise? Islands' exogenous appropriation and indigenous maladministration. Some recent and continuing reported cases. http://www.islandvulnerability.org/docs/lewis2009livelihoods.pdf
(2009) Ambulances for Bangladesh: A microcosm of technical assistance.
(2009) Conserving the past at the cost of the future? Self sufficiency and sustainability in Marshfield, South Gloucestershire. http://www.datum-international. eu/node/30
(2008) The creation of cultures of risk: An anthology. A working paper.